Fantasy vs Reality
Who/What is R3DDynasty?
R3DDYnasty is the brand name I selected. Who am I? I am a top-rated gamer with a dream and vision. Suffice to say I have seen the rainbow too many times while my eyes were closed however, I go by PriinceAlucard, it’s a pleasure to meet you all!
What is Underworld: Fantasy vs Reality?
Underworld is my pet project code-named Project V that I have been working on since I was 15 years of age. Fantasy v Reality is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) set in the Berstla universe on a planet known simply as NevaGart. This will be a faction-based MMORPG where monsters and men fight each other. Think World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online and you will have an idea of what I am trying to achieve. It is better to show than to tell so come with me into the world of Alucard.
“Before Destruction comes Creation. After Creation comes Cultivation, This I Will Defend, Cultivate and Nourish” - Graham Kimani
Sample NevaGart Map
This is an early-stage map of NevaGart and all of its secrets. This map will change over time.
Faction Details
Factions of Underworld
1: Hominus Nocturna
2: Skin Walker
3: Magi
4: Templar Knights
5: Ronin
6: Morphagon (Story progression Faction)
7: Elder Pires (Story progression Faction)
Sprinting Animation
Templar Knights - Fly on a spiritual weapon.
(Weapon Cultivation gives increase agility and speed)
Nocturna - Transform into a swarm of Bats.
(Gain increased movement speed)
Skin Walker - Run on all fours in human form.
(Gain increased agility)
Magi - Teleport through space and time.
Morphagon - In human form, summon wings and fly. -Think Vampire lord from Skyrim-
(Increase movement speed, agility, and reduce vigor cost)
Elder Pires - Run on all fours in human form, transform into a swarm of bats, and finally back on all fours
Faction System of Leader
Hominus Nocturna - Royal Family
Skin Walker - Tribal Leader
Magi - Arch Mage
Templar Knight - Council of Seven
Ronin - Monarchy
Morphagon - Dragon Council
Elder Pires - Monarchy
Faction Abilities/Passives
Hominus Nocturna
• Kill Streak - After 5 kills gain the ability to summon a swarm of bats free of cost to the player’s mana.
• Vampire Totem – A blood rune that can be placed at the players' feet to heal in a radius around the totem.
Passive - Gain 5% increase damage at night time. (IRL)
Skin Walker
• Pack Leader – Summon two werewolves, (one red and the other white), to fight for 120 seconds, the white wolf deals poison damage to everyone it hits, while the red wolf hits in an arc in front of it and heals the player for 20% of its damage done.
• Growl – Send fear into the heart of your enemies and courage to your wolf allies for 10 seconds making them deal increased damage and reduce damage respectively.
Passive - gain 5% increase movement speed, and health regen at night, and 3% increase damage to vampires only. (IRL)
• Master Mage – Steal magic from your opponent and make it your own, while marking them for 10 seconds not allowing you to drain them again for 15 seconds (25 seconds cooldown altogether). If you die while the player is marked, they will gain 100% magic back, however, if they die while marked by you, you’ll gain 50% magic refill, 10% magic boost, and a 2% damage boost.
• Warrior Mage – Gain the ability bleeding strike and rush (Bleeding strike will allow you to drain your targets’ life force into your own for 5 seconds, while rush will allow you a life drain shield that drains your health slowly, but also drains the nearest enemy health back into your own.
Templar Knight
• Vigilance – Heals you for 50% of your max health.
• Sun Storm – Throw three sun spears into the air and watch as they rain down on the target with the third landing, turning into an A.O.E heal for you and your allies for 5 seconds. After it disappears your cooldowns, are reduced by 5%.
Passive - Have a 5% increase to all attributes during the day. increasing Tan and Sol Helios's abilities by 3%. (IRL)
Transfusion - Transform into a humanoid dragon hybrid.
• Dragon Blood (Passive) – Reduce the amount of damage you take from all elements by 5%.
• Legend (Passive)– Increase your health by 5%
Elder Pires
• Alpha – Summon other half breeds to fight for you with the ability to summon their spirit wolves (up to 2 wolves each), and when they are killed they will explode into a swarm of bat dealing A.O.E damage.
• Totem – Heals in a radius, but can’t be placed within a certain distance of the player.
Anjomorfi - Tranform into the hybrid.
Faction’s Philosophy
“Where there is light, there is darkness. Wherever there is life death shall follow, with creation surely destruction is in its wake. Where there is a will, we shall instill fear.”
— Dracula
“It was once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result." Are we insane to think that we are protecting those within our walls by building another wall around their minds disconnecting them from chaos? The reality of things is that more and more of our students leave our walls daily, and it is forcing us to decide on which ally to choose and whom do we cast aside.”
— Alduran
“A lone wolf isn’t strong, fast, or even smart. A lone wolf is a dead wolf. Wolves travel in packs, hunt in packs, we strive in packs. If you are not in a pack that means you are not strong, fast, or smart, because a pack only takes the best to join it. If you are a lone wolf, you just weren't good enough.”
— Aelia
“Sent by light to fight chaos. Driven by faith to purify the darkness. Where a leaf fall there is equal opportunity for both new lives to grow or a fire to spread. Peace to rise or darkness to take hold, but we are Light, we are Pure, we are Templar Knights.”
— Rongyu
Strains of Vampirism
A curse or blessing, a burden or gift. No matter what you may believe vampirism to be, one thing is for certain. You will never see a Vampire so willing to end their immortal lives, instead, they would rather complain about it. A burden it may be but only the weak complains about something they are unwilling to find a solution to or act upon. After all, it takes a strong will to act, and this we know to be self-evident that not all men are created equally.
The Uber Stage
Also known as Oh no!!, I got infected. Oops!!!!
Variant One
2: Blood Fend -- The need to drink blood to increase power, lack of blood will decrease your overall HP, MP, SP by 5%
3: Blood Addict - You cannot go a day without blood. Increase the negative effect by 6% while increasing the buff blood brings you by10%
4: Ravenous - Negative effect now takes 15% of your HP, MP, SP if you do not feed, and grants you 20% in HP, MP, SP if you do feed.
5: Devotee - No negative effects due to your mastery over vampirism however, the buff is reduced to 5%
Variant Two
2: Hallow - weak to fire and sun abelites.
3: Famished - Gains a protective ability known as Bloodhound. This dog will attack only when you are attacked and will bleed the target for 20 seconds giving you a HOT
4: Malnourish - increase the damage you take from sun and fire abilities by 5% while decreasing the damage you take from Dark Arts by 10%
5: Inverted - Grants you a pack of bloodhounds that will explode on contact, removing the weakness to fire and sun abilities. (Only when you drink from the blood of the wolf.)
It would seem that different types of vampires gain different abilities based on the choices made in their immortal lives. However, the Templars believe that a vampire's most important choice is made during what they refer to as the Uber Stage.
Stages of Lycanthropy
Just like those dirty bloodsuckers, many of my kin fear the curse of the moon. Others believe it a blessing. One thing is for certain no matter what you believe you can never reach the heights of our faction without sharing the blood of the Wolf.
1: Anthropos - Well your very first shift came with the full moon. Now what?
2: Lukos - You have been through several shifts now you can change whenever you want, yet you are still unable to control yourself on the night of the full moon.
3: Omega - Mastery is power and perfecting lycanthropy is within grasp. Once per day your faction abilities are increased by 50% on its first use, 25% on its second use, and 15% on its third use. all other usages after will come at a 5% increase.
4: Beta - with everything you learn as a Mega you felt power however, this feeling is different, you can run faster, fight longer, and take more hits at night. (Increase HP, MP, and SP, while reducing damage taken and draining of resources).
5: Alpha - True power comes with knowledge. All Omega and Beta buff occur during the day and get 5% stronger at night.
6: Supreme Alpha - There have only ever been two supreme ones, it is said that they had all the abilities of an alpha with an additional ability to summon a wolf from thin air like magic. (Giving the ability Essence Cry - Can summon any wolf ally in your group to your exact location while not in combat. Furry Cry - allows your howl to echo sending courage to friends and fear to foes granting everyone in your group a 5% damage buff to all affected by your howl. Defensive Cry - To save a life you must give up your own power. Bring everyone back to life within a 50m radius at the cost of losing your powers and dying, the player is then reset to a Beta wolf)
Become a Gorgon
Ranks of The Templar Knights
They believe themselves holier than most, the righteous few. Yet they too seek power and Immortality. Absolute resolve can be just as much a curse as it is a blessing, courage without fear is just ambitions. Honestly, it is shameful to see yet it is a beautiful sight to behold.
Templar Knight
2: Teutonic - Learning the way of the templar is difficult however you will be able to master the basics. Gain a Damage shield (Protector of man) that protects you from all dark abelites for 10 seconds.
3: Paladin - increase MP, SP, and once per day you can self-revive at 100 HP in PvE and 25% in PvP
4: Dame - Faction abelites have no cooldown and you gain increased health. Protector of man now also protects you against vampire and werewolf attacks.
Alternate Rank One
2: Heretic - share in the blood of the wolf if and only if you can be trusted
3: Blood Knight - Become a Tempolf (A werewolf templar)
4: Red Knight - become an Alpha with only omega abelites (you are not a true wolf how could you expect to compete with a pureblood)
Alternate Rank Two
2: Heretic - Who says Templar can’t become vampires. How foolish!!
3: Black Knight - Become a Tempire (A Templar Vampire)
4: Renegade Knight - choose between Blood Addict and Famished. (Cheap imitations)
Gods of Tempest
Basil Alucard Aaron
Dracula is the strongest of the four gods.
Junia Fila
Strongly believed to be the weakest of all the gods. No one is sure who she is however, one thing is for certain she is always at the right hand of Dracula.
Doina Cuss
Rongyu the mother of templars.
Nestor is well know for his ability to control multiple elements yet he seems to be a underling to Rongyu.
Ignore the images for now they are just place holders. I need someone to draw me Templates of all my GODS. Currently working on that.
Increase your maximum vitality allowing you to last longer in fights.
maintaining your vigor allows you to stay in the fight. I have never seen a battle won with warriors who have no vigor.
Ah mages and their magical armor, allowing them to cast spells faster. ( Casting/Cooldown speed)
Mages trade defense for offense. What dolts they are, I prefer an increase in defensive capability.
Increase damage with none magical abilities.
Increase damage with magical abilities
Increase Dodge chance
Increase critical chance with damage and healing abilities.
Power’s of Tempest
Dark Arts - The opposite of Sol Helios, the users tend to draw their power from the dark star that circles our great planet. Most consider this a blessing from the dark mother while others see this as a direct disrespect to the holy mother. However, no one knows that this dark star was a creation not of the dark mother but one of the holy mothers as a jest.
Sol Helios - This power was given to mortals as a gift from the sun daughter to her beautiful creation in hopes that they would use it to protect the world from darkness, never did she imagine it would also be the instrument of her imprisonment.
Nature - Those who listen will always learn, those who hear will avoid penalty, those who fear her will earn her favor, but those who seek to abuse her will earn her wrath. These are the songs of the almighty mother of nature.
Summoner - Death is not the end, it’s just the beginning. With my left hand, I raise an army, with my right I destroy a country. Those who fear the powers of a necromancer will never truly understand its usefulness. My army is already dead there is no need to sacrifice the living to fight my wars.
Feny Lokko - Lightning brings speed and destruction, if you can harness this power, you too can bring about instant change or instant devastation.
Water - The flow of water can closely be related to the flow of life. Water has restorative powers, but if used differently water can be a conduit of destruction.
Tan - Destruction, and creation go hand in hand so it’s safe to say that fire and water will always walk the same path. Some may say that fire is just a destructive tool, but for the few who see it as it is. Fire is life, and it’s up to the users to determine if it’s a tool for destruction or a tool that protects.
Relic Master - How is it possible to be so educated and well versus in the arcane arts and still be unable to help anyone. Is it that I am unable or unwilling, no, no I will protect and carry every wayward soul to a place they can feel safe. I will protect the living at all costs.
Superstition - Culture is the most powerful art we have ever known. One cannot survive without this thing we call culture, The way you think, the actions you take, even the way you were raised are all because of the cultures around you. With such power, I will be King of the universe.
-Visit the Spoliation page for a breakdown of all the powers and abilities.
DLC Powers
Monk - Peace is a state of mind. The golden dragon brings destruction with a sound mind for he is at peace with his actions. Do not let the outside world interrupt your chakra flow, when the flow is interrupted then destruction has no limits.
Illusionist - The illusion of free will is known as civilization. What you call destruction I call change; what you call retribution I see as a grab for power. illusion is everywhere manifested as one ambition or another. Ambitions without goals are just dreams, so wake up from this illusion. I shall set you free.
Visit Ethnicity page
Base Game Races
Sun Elf
Future DLC Races
Worshiper (Forgotten Realms DLC)
Ogress (Female only)
Fey (Female only)
Soul Reaper (Requires Permission)
The Uchiha (Requires Permission)
Force Wielder (Requires Permission)
DLC Plans
The Legion
Golden Springs (Free DLC)
Prime Powers (Free DLC)
Forgotten Realms
The Originals
Weapon Types
Sword and Shield
Staff (Staff of Blessing and Staff of mayhem)
Magic Books and Orbs
Fist weapons
One Hand and crossbow/gun
Wiest bow
Weapons in this game will bring you additional abilities you can use to demolish your foes or strengthen your allies.
Check the weapon pages (Chaos and Rebirth) for more details on each weapon and its abilities.
Crafting System
Make and upgrade all metallic copper bronze etc. Armor
Make and upgrade all leather, rags, etc. Armor
Make and upgrade wooden shields bows, crossbows, boom sticks, etc.
Make sigils, potions, etc.
Make food buffs etc.
Passive, Able to deconstruct gear to gain small amounts of mats back, etc.
(DLC) Forge Master (Make and upgrade artifact weapons etc.)
(DLC) Rift (Part of the Prime powers DLC)
Forge Master (DLC)
Make and upgrade artifact weapons and armor.
Rift (DLC)
Created your own power combination by mixing and matching powers.
Zodiac Signs
Your zodiac sign will play a major role in the way your Hero/villain interacts with the world. You can see yourself get major buffs one moment, and the next you’re fleeing for your life because your zodiac brings weaknesses your opponent can use to great effects. Your Zodiac sign is just as important as the class and weapons you use, so be sure to pick wisely.
Known mostly as the Lunar Children, those born on the sign of the Aquarius gain a 10% increase in damage done between the hours of 21:00- 23:59. From the hours of 20:30-2359, there will be a 25% chance of being reborn upon death.
Your light shines bright and beckons anyone to your aid. Gain 5% increase health when in a group of four or more with each member of the group increasing your max health by a further 0.5%. Gain the ability Helping Hand.
Helping Hand - Sacrifice 5% of your own health to increase four group members’ health by 5%.
Due to your impulsive and short-tempered nature, you are commonly referred to as a great burden. Gain the ability, Leroy.
Leroy - grants you 100% Damage reduction for 5 seconds, increased movement speed, and a 100% cooldown reduction for 10 seconds at the cost of your own life.
The beginning of all fights seems fun to you as you charge in a ray of sun light burns the path behind you leaving destruction in its wake.
Your affinity for love and beauty draws you ever closer to mother nature herself. reduce all nature abilities cooldown by 2 seconds, increase the amount of healing you do by 5% reduce the damage you do to nature by 5%, and water abilities have a 20% chance to heal you for a percentage of the damage.
Your split personality has a way of getting involved when it shouldn’t. Have the ability sudden chance.
Sudden Chance - Splits you into two. One-half sociable (increasing all healing done and damage received by 5%), while the other half dark and crude (Reduce damage receive while increasing the damage you deal by 5%).
Increase damage done with Dark Arts abilities by 5%.
Increase healing done with Summoners abilities by 5%.
Moody and loyal are two treats that works hand in hand with your ability to control the seas. Increase the potency of water abilities by 5%, reduce the damage you take from tan abilities by 2%, and Sol Helios abilities by 5%.
Somehow you can still be very manipulative, reduce all taunt abilities to a cooldown of 1 second while increasing the duration by 5 seconds.
There is no one greater under the sun than you and because of that, you gain a 10% damage reduction to Tan and Sol Helios abilities. Furthermore, all Sol Helios cooldowns are reduced by 1 second, during the hours of 00:00 - 05:00 you find that your powers are at its max reducing your cooldowns by a further 2%.
They say being overly critical of everything is your weakness yet you find strength in it.
increase your crit chance by 10% Crit damage by 5% and crit Healing by 2%.
Due to being a neat freak, you hate to see dead bodies lying around, gin the ability A Clean Home.
A Clean Home - Absorb the life force of a slain comrade to heal yourself or the lowest health member in the group or set a destructive force on a slain enemy causing an eruption within the earth.
The element of air bends to your will. some even call you an Airbender. gain the ability Air Raid, Air Slash, and AirWave.
Air Raid - Summon mini tornados to strike in an area for 5 seconds.
Air Slash - Increase your caster speed and movement speed for 10 seconds.
AirWave - Vibrate the air around you dealing damage to anyone within a 10-meter radius of you.
Passionate yet assertive these treats lead people to think that you are overzealous and cocky. Yet your passion for helping others keeps you going.
Decrease morale by 100 points.
Increase Healing by 5% with all healing spells and abilities.
increase cooldown by 2 seconds for all damage spells while decreasing healing spell cooldown by 2 seconds.
Gain the ability For You Anytime.
For You Anything - Sacrifice 500 HP to heal the group for 5000 HP, if the caster dies the group is healed by an additional 10,000 HP over 10 seconds.
As idealistic as you are you crave freedom more.
Consume no Stam while moving out of combat.
Mounts are 10% faster.
Increase movement speed (5%) in and out of combat
Gain increased damage with Tan abilities.
Stealth damage will always crit.
Being a know-it-all is a horrible treat it makes it difficult for you to see beyond your own ideas, and opinions, but who cares as long as your winning right?
Reduce the damage to take by 5%.
Increase the Healing you receive by 5%.
Increase your resource pool by 5%.
Increase all cooldowns by 5 seconds.
Upon death, you have to wait 5 extra seconds before you can revive.
The group of vampires that is in charge of protecting the vampire provinces and the leader of each Kijeshi is known formally as Kijeshi Khan.
This group takes no prisoners and has no problem destroying anyone who violates the rules within their region of control. Only four Khans are ever active at any one period of time with the exception of war, where a fifth Khan will be elected to govern all the Kijeshi and in some rare cases even some of the army.
The Kijeshi
These Khans are usually the most brutal warlords the vampires have among themselves.
The way to become a Khan is simple, Defeat a Khan and take his place, or be appointed to Khan by the King or by another Khan to take his place.
There have only ever been 2 female Khans in recorded history. Kendra, and Lisha.
Kendra was appointed as Khan of Khans during the last war, and as the fifth Khan, she was destructive and fearsome. She struck fear into the hearts of the wolves and the Templars. She was so strong that everyone saw her as a contender for the throne if the royal family should ever fall in battle.
Lisha was the original fifth Khan until Kendra took her place where she became her right hand. Just as brutal as Kendra was Lisha was her equal in almost every way. It was noted that Lisha had singlehandedly taken done an entire army of 5000 just because she thought it would be more fun than fighting alongside her army.
Road Map
UnderWorld: Fantasy vs Reality
Have access to all the base game content on day one, no content will be split from the base game to sell to you as DLC there will be no need for that.
A Legend Returns (DLC 1)
Continues where the base game left off, as the Templars face their greatest challenge yet. This expansion or DLC will focus primarily on the Templar Faction and their struggle with this new threat to their survival, other factions can expect to have a different storyline that does not interfere with the templar’s struggle.
A Secret in The Mist (DLC 2)
Picks up the story of A Legend Returns and joins all factions together in the hurt to stop what was once viewed as a Templar problem. Each faction puts their difference aside to hunt down a world-ending treat or did they?
Forge Master (Free update to DLC 2)(DLC 2.5)
Will introduce a new PvP zone as Factions fight to claim strong and powerful artifact weapons known as Imperial Arms. With the War of the Mist all but over the battle still remains who will hold control over the Imperial Forge and who will control the imperial Arms that already exists.
The Golden Throne (DLC 3)
After much adversity, the player finds themselves no longer on NevaGart but instead on the moon itself yet it looks like a whole ecosystem from what you can see on NevaGart. Has each faction chases the threat that will end the world they eventually come across Him and within seconds half the allied force was wiped out. What is Happening? How could they all be here? What? He is strong, can we overcome or will we breathe our last?
A Top The Throne (Free Update to DLC 3)(DLC 3.5)
Players will unlock the ability to combine certain powers making their own playstyle possible.
Deception and Preparation (DLC 4)
Classified Top Secret
Victory Brings Truth and Pain (DLC 5)
Classified Top Secret